Saturday, October 31, 2015

Don't Judge Me Challenge

Sebenarnya isu ini sudah cukup lama lewat, dan tulisan ini ditulis pada saat tren tersebut sedang digandrungi anak muda sosial media kita, tetapi lupa di-posting dan terlalu lama berada di dalam folder draft saya. 
Saya tidak akan menjustifikasi peserta 'Don't judge me challenge' ini, namun saran saya sebelum kita mengikuti suatu trend, ada baiknya kita mencari tahu terlebih dahulu tujuan dan maknanya trend tersebut apa. Jangan menjadi generasi yang latah mengikuti suatu tren tanpa tau tujuan yang sebenarnya, termasuk  'Don't judge me challenge' ini.
'Don't judge me challenge' it's not about the changes, but it thaught me to be myself. It's not about show your double chin and full of acne's face and then change to be a beautiful one, bukan dari buruk rupa menjadi cantik semata.
It's about being real you and don't need to try so hard to impress people and let people find the real beauty of you because everyone all beautiful in our own way.
You don't need to be ugly at first then show your beauty later. Please don't. If you show your 'before' like having tompel, jerawat, double chin, alis berantakan sebagai hal yang jelek and then in the next second you show your beautiful and full make up face, do it a judge it's self, didn't it?
Please, think it. Embrace yourself, young people..

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